[#1 Study Jam Machine Learning: Journey Into Data’s Depths]
Are you interested in the field of machine learning?
Lets join our 1st Study Jam of Machine Learning. This Study Jam will discuss from the basic concepts of Data to the differences between Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with practical examples. Explore the essential process of EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) from collecting, processing, to cleaning data to uncover valuable insights.
Are you ready for this study jam? Let's take a look for this study jam and get new interesting knowledge from our speakers.
When and Where? This study jam will be held on:
This event will be held on:
Saturday, February 17 , 2024
10.00 AM
Zoom Virtual Meeting.
Benefits :
1. Enlarge your skill
2. E - Certificate
3. Social Networking
4. Get Basics Knowledge about ML
Are you curious about the material? Let's join and save the date!
What are you waiting for? Hit that RSVP button now yall!
#GDSCUNAND #StudyJam #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntellingence #ExploratoryDat