Hello Student Developers!
We will be hosting a super cool event about Understanding Data Scraping on 5th February 2023, starting at 2:00 PM (WITA). This is a great opportunity for all of us to learn Data Scraping. We will learn how to effectively extract and manipulate data through scraping, crawling, and automation techniques.
Don't forget to also register yourself through this link:
https://s.id/Study-Jam-GDSC-INSTIKI-03 (Google Form)
and join the meeting via Google Meet here:
Starting this month, we will also host weekly study jams on discord/online meeting platform to help everyone continue learning and improving their skills. To join the discord, please use this link: https://discord.gg/Ptfs6wxdpr
We're looking forward to see you not only at the event but also at our weekly study jams.
Best regards,