Study Jam in parallel (Frontend, Backend, UI/UX, Android)

Study Jam in parallel (Frontend, Backend, UI/UX, Android)

Diselenggarakan oleh: GDSC Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Event Telah Selesai


This year, the Google Developer Student Club of Trunojoyo Madura University in collaboration with WargalabTIF held the agenda. We conduct study hours in parallel and will discuss 4 topics, Such as Frontend Web, Backend, Android, and UI/UX.

Frontend Web Study Jam is an agenda that we can learn together about frontend technology which is cover the fundamental, styling, and functionality

Backend web development. The technologies that will be used in this section are node.js and firebase. node.js is a javascript runtime that can make javascript run on servers (not only browsers) and has good performance and is easy to learn. This language is very compatible with firebase, so we will implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) with this tool and language and try to build a Restful API using this technology

Android is the most widely used operating system in the world today. So, this is definitely a field of great interest to study. Kotlin is a language supported by Google for android and will be the language we will be learning together in this study hour.

UI/UX Study Jam is an hands-on workshop or study jam which can be the place for us to learn together about technology and some techniques used to design an app

Pendaftaran Tutup
Jadwal Pelaksanaan
: 10 Dec 2022 13:00
: 10 Dec 2022 15:00

Laboratorium Eksak, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Jln. Raya Tellang, Kamal, Bangkalan

Kabupaten Bangkalan