Following the announcement of Game Prime 2020, this event also comes with many interesting events, and one of them is Online Game Development Webinar. This event invites all game developers out there to hone their skills in game development and related activities.
The Masterclass consists of five topics as listed below:
12:30 - 14:00 -> Developing Simple Game from Scratch with OOP (Ramadhany Candra - Maulidan Games)
14:15 - 15: 45 -> Game Character Design: from scratch to finish (Brigitta Rena - Mojiken Studio)
16:00 - 17:30 -> Shorten your Development Timeline with Unreal (Chris Murphy - Unreal Engine)
Very interesting course, right? So, what are you waiting for? Register yourself for Masterclass now! Livesteam @ Asosiasi Game Indonesia YouTube Channel 2nd August 2020
Event ini akan disiarkan secara live di kanal YouTube Asosiasi Game Indonesia
Jakarta Pusat