Android Enthusiast Jakarta in collaboration with the ITARSI STMKG Campus held a Programming Training. This training is intended for those of you who have just jumped in the world of Android Development. This training is in the form of a workshop so participants are required to bring a laptop and please make sure with Android Studio/Visual Studio installed.
What you should have ?
Flutter already installed in Visual Studio Code/Android Studio
Laptop Min Ram 4 gb (Suggested Ram 8 gb)
Programming Language
WIFI (Modem Hotspot)
What you will learn ?
- Introduce Dart & Flutter
- Make first App Flutter in Visual Studio Code
- Custom Widget Flutter
- UI challenge
What you will do ?
Make a Expressive and beautiful UIs application with Flutter
Our Instructor : Iswandi Saputra as Android Developer @IMASTUDIO
NOTED : Make sure flutter already installed in Visual Studio Code/Android Studio
Link reference :
STMKG (Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi & Geofisika)
Ruang A302
Jl. Perhubungan I No.5, Pd. Betung, Pd. Aren
Kota Tangerang Selatan