Dev Certification for Android (DCA) Preparation

Dev Certification for Android (DCA) Preparation


Level: Kompetensi Sertifikasi

Siswa Terdaftar

Preparation course for taking the Dev Certification for Android (DCA) by the certification (dev.cert) program.
Dev Certification for Android (DCA) Preparation Partner
Apa yang akan Anda dapatkan

Code Review

Kode yang Anda kerjakan akan di-review secara komprehensif oleh Reviewer.

Forum Diskusi

Diskusikan materi belajar dengan siswa lainnya.


Uji kemampuan teknis Anda dengan mengerjakan tugas submission.


This course does not have any graduation stages or certificates. You can only learn in this class as long as your subscription or token is active.

Dev Certification for Android (DCA) is part of the certification or dev.cert which aims to test your skills and help you achieve your dream career with project-based certifications.

As a Dev Certified for Android, you are expected to be able to demonstrate the skills needed to work on Android development. This preparation course has been designed by Dicoding as a partner of so that you can prepare yourself thoroughly before taking the Dev Certification for Android (DCA).

  • DCA can increase your value to hiring partners.
  • DCA has been trusted directly by Google as a certification platform to test mobile development skills.
  • DCA graduates can feel confident when entering the industry because they have validation and real proof of competence.
  • This preparation course has been created according to professional competence.
  • Curriculum Developers from this course are graduates of the certification, so this course can be as similar as possible to the original certification.

Student Targets and Objectives

Peralatan Belajar

Spesifikasi minimal perangkat:


Intel Core i3 (Rekomendasi Core i5 ke atas)

Tools yang dibutuhkan untuk belajar:

Android Studio

Lihat semua peralatan belajar

Lihat semua peralatan belajar

Peralatan Belajar

Spesifikasi minimal perangkat

Kelas ini membutuhkan spesifikasi perangkat seperti berikut:


8 GB atau lebih


1280 x 800 (Rekomendasi Full HD 1920 x 1080)

Sistem Operasi

Windows, Linux, MacOS


Intel Core i3 (Rekomendasi Core i5 ke atas)


Kelas ini membutuhkan beberapa tools berikut:

Android Studio

Metode Ajar

  • Online - Self-paced Learning.
    • Total study hours: 40 hours.
    • Recommended study time: 10 hours per week (completion within 28 days)
    • You can determine your own pace within the active enrollment period.
    • No graduation stages or certificates. This course is for learning purposes only.
  • Teaching Facilities
    • Discussion Forum: Each class has a dedicated discussion forum where you can ask questions and engage in discussions with fellow learners.

Lihat semua metode ajar

Lihat semua metode ajar

Metode Ajar

  • Online - Self-paced Learning.
    • Total study hours: 40 hours.
    • Recommended study time: 10 hours per week (completion within 28 days)
    • You can determine your own pace within the active enrollment period.
    • No graduation stages or certificates. This course is for learning purposes only.
  • Teaching Facilities
    • Discussion Forum: Each class has a dedicated discussion forum where you can ask questions and engage in discussions with fellow learners.



Curriculum Developer yang membangun kelas ini:

Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Curriculum Developer Lead at Dicoding Indonesia



Code Reviewer yang akan me-review tugas dan kode Anda:

Taufik Hidayat
Taufik Hidayat

Taufik Hidayat

Android Developer at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk

  • Android Developer who ❤️ Kotlin
  • Android Enthusiast
  • UI/UX Enthusiast
khairul anas
khairul anas

khairul anas

External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

• Dicoding Graduate

• Flutter Developer

• Mobile & Web Enthusiast



DevOps Enthusiast

I am a DevOps Engineer with 1 year of experience, along with 3 years of prior experience in IT Workspace. My skills include managing Linux Servers, CI/CD with GitLab and Jenkins, virtualization using Proxmox, container management with Docker and Kubernetes, and working with various cloud platforms, especially GCP. 

Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani
Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani

Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani

External Reviewer Dicoding at Dicoding Indonesia

find me on linkedin or Github

Ahmad Arif Faizin
Ahmad Arif Faizin

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Curriculum Developer Lead at Dicoding Indonesia

Pesantren Programmer IDN | Associate Android Developer from Google | Android Certified v7 by ATC | Senior Mobile Computing Certified by BNSP

Lihat semua kontributor dan reviewer

Lihat semua kontributor dan reviewer

Kontributor & Reviewer

Kontributor kelas

Curriculum Developer yang membangun kelas ini:

Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Curriculum Developer Lead at Dicoding Indonesia

Tim Reviewer

Code Reviewer yang akan me-review tugas dan kode Anda:

Taufik Hidayat
Taufik Hidayat

Taufik Hidayat

Android Developer at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk

  • Android Developer who ❤️ Kotlin
  • Android Enthusiast
  • UI/UX Enthusiast
khairul anas
khairul anas

khairul anas

External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

• Dicoding Graduate

• Flutter Developer

• Mobile & Web Enthusiast



DevOps Enthusiast

I am a DevOps Engineer with 1 year of experience, along with 3 years of prior experience in IT Workspace. My skills include managing Linux Servers, CI/CD with GitLab and Jenkins, virtualization using Proxmox, container management with Docker and Kubernetes, and working with various cloud platforms, especially GCP. 

Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani
Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani

Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani

External Reviewer Dicoding at Dicoding Indonesia

find me on linkedin or Github

Ahmad Arif Faizin
Ahmad Arif Faizin

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Curriculum Developer Lead at Dicoding Indonesia

Pesantren Programmer IDN | Associate Android Developer from Google | Android Certified v7 by ATC | Senior Mobile Computing Certified by BNSP

M Hassan Thalib
Mohamad Zaelani
Galah Seno Adjie
Galah Seno Adjie

Galah Seno Adjie

External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

  • Android & Kotlin Enthusiast
  • Jetpack Compose Enthusiast
Rivaldo Fernandes
Rivaldo Fernandes

Rivaldo Fernandes

iOS and Android Expert

Mobile Developer Enthusiast

iOS Developer at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia

Deden Muhamad Furqon
Deden Muhamad Furqon

Deden Muhamad Furqon

Academy Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

Saya memulai perjalanan di bidang Android Development sejak 2017 dan telah lulus dari program Google Developer Kejar 2019, IDCamp 2019, serta Bangkit 2021. Sejak bergabung dengan Dicoding pada tahun 2022, saya mengembangkan keahlian lebih luas di bidang Software Engineering, mencakup Mobile Development (Kotlin, Flutter, dan Swift), Web Development (Frontend & Backend), UI/UX, sampai Project Management.


- Associate Android Developer

- Google Project Management: Professional Certificate 

Indratama Pangasian Manalu
Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia

Halo, perkenalkan nama aku Ian - Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia

Taufik Hidayat

Taufik Hidayat

Android Developer at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk

  • Android Developer who ❤️ Kotlin
  • Android Enthusiast
  • UI/UX Enthusiast
khairul anas

khairul anas

External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

• Dicoding Graduate

• Flutter Developer

• Mobile & Web Enthusiast



DevOps Enthusiast

I am a DevOps Engineer with 1 year of experience, along with 3 years of prior experience in IT Workspace. My skills include managing Linux Servers, CI/CD with GitLab and Jenkins, virtualization using Proxmox, container management with Docker and Kubernetes, and working with various cloud platforms, especially GCP. 

Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani

Sesaka Aji Nursah Bantani

External Reviewer Dicoding at Dicoding Indonesia

find me on linkedin or Github

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Ahmad Arif Faizin

Curriculum Developer Lead at Dicoding Indonesia

Pesantren Programmer IDN | Associate Android Developer from Google | Android Certified v7 by ATC | Senior Mobile Computing Certified by BNSP

M Hassan Thalib

M Hassan Thalib

External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

Kotlin & Android Enthusiast

Mohamad Zaelani

Mohamad Zaelani

External Code Reviewer Dicoding

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

• External Code Reviewer Dicoding

• Backend Developer

TensorFlow Developer Certified

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate

Galah Seno Adjie

Galah Seno Adjie

External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

  • Android & Kotlin Enthusiast
  • Jetpack Compose Enthusiast
Rivaldo Fernandes

Rivaldo Fernandes

iOS and Android Expert

Mobile Developer Enthusiast

iOS Developer at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia

Deden Muhamad Furqon

Deden Muhamad Furqon

Academy Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia

Saya memulai perjalanan di bidang Android Development sejak 2017 dan telah lulus dari program Google Developer Kejar 2019, IDCamp 2019, serta Bangkit 2021. Sejak bergabung dengan Dicoding pada tahun 2022, saya mengembangkan keahlian lebih luas di bidang Software Engineering, mencakup Mobile Development (Kotlin, Flutter, dan Swift), Web Development (Frontend & Backend), UI/UX, sampai Project Management.


- Associate Android Developer

- Google Project Management: Professional Certificate 

Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Indratama Pangasian Manalu

Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia

Halo, perkenalkan nama aku Ian - Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia

Punya pertanyaan seputar kelas ini?

Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan.


Materi yang akan Anda pelajari pada kelas ini.